Rejuvenate Your Smile with Dental Implants & Porcelain Veneers in Erie

Veneers & Dental Implants in Erie

You have probably noticed that most actors and people in the public eye have perfectly white and straight teeth. These people do not have perfect pearly whites by accident. Here at Modern Dental Group, Drs. David J. DeMarco, David James DeMarco, and Shawn Casella, help our patients obtain the smile they deserve. Just because you are not on TV, does not mean you don’t deserve a Hollywood smile! With the help of Erie dental implants and veneers, you can achieve the results you have always desired. 

Erie, PA Dental Implants

A cosmetic method that you may try to pursue is to have Drs.  DeMarco, Casella, or DeMarco dentists in Erie, attach a set of dental veneers to your teeth. Veneers are thin custom-fitted shells of tooth colored material that are attached to the front of your teeth to improve their appearance. To attach porcelain veneers in Erie, one of our doctors will have to anesthetize your teeth and remove about ½ millimeter of enamel from the front of your teeth. This will allow for your veneers to fit comfortably in your mouth. Dr. Casella will then take impressions to create veneers that will fit perfectly to your mouth. Once they are installed, your teeth will be both brighter and straighter and no one will be able to tell that they are anything but 100 percent natural. 

For functionality as well as cosmetic appeal, there are dental implants in Erie. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. The procedure is a multi-step process that involves placing metal anchors into the bone of the jaw, allowing the anchor and bone to fuse, placing an extension in the anchor, and fixing a prosthetic tooth, or crown, on the extension. Aesthetically, dental implants look and feel just like your natural teeth and can help you achieve a beautiful, natural smile. With implants, your smile will look better than ever and that means restored confidence. Replacing your missing teeth is much more than an attractive smile, however. When you replace missing teeth, you are also improving your overall quality of life. 

Veneers, Erie, PA

Tooth loss often makes eating and speaking difficult. And missing teeth can lead to bone loss and deterioration of your jaw and facial structure.  Durable implants function just like your natural teeth, which mean patients can eat, talk and continue regular oral hygiene as normal.   


For more information on Porcelain Venners and Dental Implats in the Erie, PA area call Modern Dental Group at (814) 456-0710 or (814) 836-1110!

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